What will be the future of OzTrack?

I wonder what will happen to our product when the money runs out? Who will host OzTrack? Who will answer all those user questions? Who will sort through the vast animal location data files uploaded by our users? I am sure similar questions are being asked across the  NeCTAR eResearch tools funding program. 

A possible way forward would be for the relative research community to host the project. In our case, OzTrack could be hosted by a well funded group or University already hosting a large amount of ecological data. This would also assist in collaborative links and the transfer of data and information. 

It would surely be a waste of money and resources for the products to fail at this stage. I recommend that over the coming months NeCTAR provide guidance to the steering committee from each project. Assist them in the transfer of their hard-earned product to a more a permanent home.

About dr. Hamish Campbell

I am an Animal Ecologist, particularly interested in sticking electronic devices on animals and seeing where they go. I had the vision for OzTrack after realising how much hard-won data was being lost to the research community. A focus of my research is to bridge the information gap between those tracking the animals in the field and those that may utlise the data for resource management, ecosystem science and policy
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